We decided to brave the world of theme parks and take the boys to Sea World. We waited until Davis was ready for his AM nap and drove the hour and 15 minutes down to San Antonio, piled on the sun block and headed into the park. The first thing we did was the
Shamu show, it was amazing. Both boys were fascinated and it nearly brought me to tears. These whales are so big, beautiful, and graceful. We sat in the last row of the "splash zone" so that we got the effect of the splash without the wet-fishy aftermath.
After that we went to the kids play area where Jeremiah and I went on his first ever roller coaster. He was very excited until we got onto the ride and then he told me he didn't want to do it. Unfortunately it was too late to get off and the ride began. He did OK, until it got really fast and turned a corner. We almost purchased the picture because his face was classic but we passed it up. Now when you ask his favorite thing he says the fast train, although he did not want to do it again. If Davis could talk he would tell you that he loved the foam play area for little kids. The place was so empty we had almost the entire play area and had a blast.
The rest of the day was filled with alligators, penguins, and the icing on the cake...feeding the dolphins. It was a great day, I would suggest it to anyone.